Condenada is an all lady hardcore punk band from Chicago, IL. They definitely draw inspiration from Los Crudos and 90’s latino bands from the area, but they not only address issues of race and class here. Gender is their main focus.
They were on tour in Mexico a couple times but I never got to see them. Nor actually meet them nor was I ever in touch with them. My friend Alejandra booked their tour and had a sex education booth set up at their shows, and gave all kinds of workshops. Alejandra was the one who asked me to do this cover for a Discography that would be sold to support their Mexico tour.
The funniest thing about this image is that I was away from Mexico when I carved the original print, visiting Portland Oregon. As you can imagine there’s not a whole lot of latinxs walking around PDX, and especially not in the punk scene. So I asked my friends (and fellow Justseeders) Thea Gahr and Alec Icky Dunn to help me model for the print.
Since Icky is so much taller than Thea, the image wasn’t turning out so well, so Icky ended up taking a picture of Thea and I. I re drew the image and then carved it. Once I printed it people were like –This kind of looks like Thea.
The idea was to portray a powerful brown woman fighting back patriarchy and domination. So this is how it looked like in my head.
To visit Condenada’s myspace click HERE.

I saw Condenada a few times, they are awesome! are they still around?
I’m really not sure, I tried to see on their MySpace but it doesn’t really say anywhere.
But it seems like no one really uses MySpace and they don’t seem to have a fb either.
Really been digging these covers, glad you’re posting so many! Get in touch when you come through Portland again.
this is amazing! i was/am lucky enough to be a part of Condenada. thanks Santi for making this print! we loved it when Alejandra first showed it to us. We are now separated by distance but occasionally still play. we don’t really maintain anything on the web…you can check out the music here: http://notnormaltapes.bandcamp.com/album/nnt-012-condenada-discografia
great running into this image again!