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Racial Justice: A Collection of Books and Print Ephemera from Brooklyn’s Interference Archive

March 24, 2016

ArtSlant and the Night Library just published a cool piece featuring Interference Archive. Seven volunteers of the collective chose items in the archive that they felt spoke to the issue of “Racial Justice,” and the Night Library compiled the images and info into a nice overview of one corner of the Interference collection. You can read the entire piece HERE, and this is a snippet:

According to Michele Hardesty, who selected Yellow Pearl from the collection, this 1972 box set by The Basement Workshop is:

…a powerful, multi-media expression of the East Coast Asian American movement’s politics of coalitional, anti-imperialist solidarity, both in its material form (loose-leaf sheets of varying hues, with a wide-range of graphic and literary styles, that can be reshuffled and read in different orders) and in its thematic content, which focused on the lives and struggles of Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, and Korean American subjects but also made connections between those struggles and those of African Americans, Native Americans, and Southeast Asians who were fighting the US military.

Featured in the Interference Archive 2013 exhibition Serve the People: The Asian American Movement in New York, curated by Ryan Lee Wong, this piece includes music, graphics, poetry, prose, and comics from more than 30 artists and writers. This rare piece was donated to the IA by the Museum of Chinese in America.

Culture & MediaRacial JusticeSocial Movements

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