At the suggestion of Shaun Slifer, I am going to post a new rad teen print each week…(some of my teens would totally make fun of me for using the word ‘rad’…”way to bring it back to the 90s!”)
I’ve been working with youth via The Andy Warhol Museum for about seven years now, and I have increasingly geared the programs and projects I facilitate towards socially conscious printmaking. While we don’t have any programs going on at this moment, there is a wealth of archived material to choose from.
This first image is by Katie Kaplan, who worked with us at the Warhol for four years…she is now a sophmore printmaking major at Pratt. Keep an eye out for her! This print is from a prison poster project students did for FedUp!, who work on upholding prisoners’ human rights. Students learned how to use rubylith from visiting Justseeds artist Erik Ruin to make layers for their prints. Katie was so inspired, she now uses this technique to make a lot of her work. Enjoy!
She makes some awesome graphics!
I’ve bumped into her at some events here in NYC.
you should pass along my contact if you have it, the more “rad” artists that we can get together in this town the better!