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Subscribe now to Justseeds Community Supported Art for 2016!

November 16, 2015

Everyone knows that art is an engine that drives transformation. The art we look at reminds us that other people feel like we do, and gives us something to believe in, and somewhere to go. What would you say to a new piece of powerful and inspirational political art showing up in your mailbox throughout the year? That’s the premise behind the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative Community Supported Art program. Just like the CSA’s that deliver fresh vegetable to your doorstep during the warmer months, Community Supported Art will provide you with fresh and exciting new artwork every month of the year. Subscribers are helping Justseeds build capacity, supporting the work we do in support of social and environmental movements- and getting twelve amazing and exclusive original artworks!  Become a member today!

By subscribing to Justseeds Community Supported Art you will receive 12 original prints from 12 different Justseeds Artists.  CSA members will have three new prints shipped to their house in January, April, July, and October. The theme for 2016’s Community Supported Art is “Love and Justice”

join here


Two different payment options!
Pay in full now, or pay in four installments
of $75 each.

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Posts by Pete Railand

A Time of Expectant Hopes

A Time of Expectant Hopes

October 24, 2019

“A Time of Expectant Hopes,” a collaboration between Pete Railand and Jenna Valoe, including works inspired by 19th century union banners, suffragist banners, and modern day activist banners. Opening Friday…

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