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Patriots for Self-Deportation

Patriots for Self-Deportation

January 24, 2012

I received a press release this morning from a new political action group; Patriots for Self-Deportation, announcing the launch of their website Taking inspiration from Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney’s…

The Rhino Rescue Project

The Rhino Rescue Project

January 11, 2012

Last year two species of Rhinoceros went extinct. The Vietnamese sub-species of the Javan Rhino and the Western Black Rhino of Africa are gone forever, casting no more shadows. Their…

Banners for the Eviction

Banners for the Eviction

November 14, 2011

Occupy Portland has been uprooted from its two downtown parks, and begins a new phase – whether that means a new location or a new course of action. Since I…

Shout Down Gov. Walker

Shout Down Gov. Walker

November 6, 2011

Check out this recent action in Chicago where Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker got an unexpected greeting by audience members that he did not expect to be in attendance –the working…

Surveillance Technologies

Surveillance Technologies

October 26, 2011

I recently returned from England, the most highly surveilled region of Earth. It’s palpable. The presence of CCTV cameras is like the touch of a spider. Very like a spider,…

Octopi Wall Street!

Octopi Wall Street!

October 8, 2011

Mother Jones just put up a cool article entitled “Octopi Wall Street!” about the historical use of the octopus as a representation of capitalism. Worth clicking over and reading it…

Occupy Wall Street!

Occupy Wall Street!

September 23, 2011

It may appear to our regular blog readers that all of Justseeds is cavorting around Europe at international art biennials, but it isn’t true! I’ve been at home in New…

Tahrir Documents

Tahrir Documents

September 13, 2011

I recently came across Tahrir Documents, an amazing website and resource that is archiving, scanning, translating, and representing a huge collection of documents, fliers, posters, and newspapers produced as part…