Legacy of Brutality
I got a great used book for my birthday, World Architecture 2 a large picture book of architectural trends from 1965. It contains many examples of Brutalism, an architectural style…
I got a great used book for my birthday, World Architecture 2 a large picture book of architectural trends from 1965. It contains many examples of Brutalism, an architectural style…
A lot of people have been excited recently about mobile silkscreen units, and the possibilities of setting up a simple silkscreen set-up most anywhere…I have done this in storefronts in…
It is a little known secret, but Justseeds can only do what it does because groups like the Riseup Collective create online tools that facilitate 25 artists in 14 cities…
Over the weekend with the help of family and friends I installed a “Rowboat Lookout Tower” on 35th and Capitol in Milwaukee. This is part of a project organized by…
I am going to try and do a semi-regular post on things that interest me in, of, or about New Mexico. I’m still very much learning about this place so…
Hip-Hop activists Rebel Diaz, based out of the Bronx, have a new video- Libertad. http://rebeldiaz.mvmt.com/
Birmingham Sunday (September 15, 1963) Four little girls Who went to Sunday School that day And never came back home at all But left instead Their blood upon the wall…
There’s a great show up at Blue Sky Gallery in Portland this month, photos of the prisoner/volunteer-run hospice program at Angola State Penitentiary (LA) taken by Lori Waselchuk. Angola has…
I recently spent some quality time in northern Wisconsin. The best way to spend a summer day in Wisconsin is at a cabin on a lake. Luckily my uncle has…
Here are a few photos of what I made at WERKKAMP this July at Fort 8 in Antwerpen, Belguim. This wonderful event was put together by the fine folks at…
There’s a thoughtful (and critical) review of the Justseeds collaborative book Firebrands on Ernesto Aguilar’s blog here. (It’s a great blog too!)
Jules Perahim was a Romanian artist who died in 2008. Most links to him on the web refer to his surrealist works (in the Dali vein of surrealism) produced while…
Justseeds RESOURCED Portfolio Launch Reception Pittsburgh, PA Friday, July 30th – 6-10pm Free and Open to the Public 3410 Penn Ave 2nd Floor (entrance and bike parking around back via…
I just ran across a digital archive of Radical America, an SDS associated magazine that began in 1967. I downloaded a pdf of an issue at random and it was…
I have been a big fan of Guru, Gang Starr, and the Jazzmatazz albums and wanted to share some tribute shows I’ve been listening to over the last week. Mister…
The Rondos were a punk band from the late 1970s from Rotterdam. They have a pretty thorough website documenting not only the band, but the many collective projects that the…
I was fortunate enough to have Favianna Rodriguez and Jesus Barraza drop by my house late last Thursday. With very little arm twisting, at 1AM, they convinced me to go…
This week I’m bringing you rad art, rather than print…this drawing is from a project that students in Schenley High School’s Theory of Knowledge course did a few years ago….
This is one of the first prints created at Power Up, a new after school program I am teaching, by Shaleia McElligott. This poster is to promote Planned Parenthood of…
Another old skool image here…this silkscreen print was created by Abby Gordon and Kimi Hanauer for a Celebrate Pittsburgh People’s History project as part of RUST 2008. This piece is…