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January 22, 2010

This is a little slice-o’-life blog entry. the van, all done up in front of the ranch Justseeds Artists Cooperative have a collective wealth of skills beyond making radical prints….

Save the Gloo Factory!

Save the Gloo Factory!

January 12, 2010

My good friend Dwight, owner-operator of the Tucson multi-functional art/community/print space the Gloo Factory and allied enterprise Peace Supplies has been struggling against eviction from his crazy downtown space for…

Justice for Oscar Grant

Justice for Oscar Grant

January 2, 2010

by Jesus Barraza & Melanie Cervantes A year ago, early New Year’s Day in the Fruitvale District of Oakland, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) police murdered unarmed, 22-year old, Oscar…

HOT on Longs Peak

HOT on Longs Peak

November 7, 2009

My bro just sent me this photo of him in the ‘Hot In Here’ polar bear shirt I made him, at 14,000 feet! I’ll be running off more of these…

Russian Revolution Postcard Set

Russian Revolution Postcard Set

October 25, 2009

“1917, Day of the Revolution, soldiers on [maybe a street name?]” This is a postcard set detailing the Revolution(s) of 1917 in Russia. Someone was auctioning these awhile ago and…

Automatic Insurrection

Automatic Insurrection

October 19, 2009

This just in from our friend John Duda in Baltimore, an automated insurrectionist rant generator! Guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment! John explains: “The purpose of this little program is…