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Solidarity from Acapulco to Appalachia

This image is originally from a series about the climate crisis made in 2022 for the NRDC, with the text, “We Must become Climate Resilient.” The hurricanes and flooding of September and October 2024 in the northern hemisphere have us eyeballs-deep in the fossil fuel industry’s shit. We must get organized to prepare our communities for climate change-driven disasters.

Get in touch if you’d like a larger, poster-size version.


A large tree is the centerpiece to this black and white illustration. It rises out of floodwaters and is framed by a light halo against a dark sky. Surrounding the tree is a scene of flooded homes, cars, and community. People are on a roof, helping another person up. Others are in an inflatable boat surveying the disaster. Words in the watery surface say, Solidarity from Acapulco to Appalachia.

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