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October 15, 2017

A two-sided mural by justseeds artist, Jess X Snow for Living Walls, the City Speaks in Atlanta.

A mother gives birth to a daughter and carries her across the Pacific. From ash they alchemize a home. The daughter grows up and takes care of the mother, the same way she must learn to nurture the communities her mother’s generation built. The process of painting this mural felt like a prayer for her and all migrant mothers, as well as a prayer for Asia Plaza, Plaza Fiesta and all the immigrant communities along the Buford Highway who stand against gentrification and assimilation on a daily basis. The poem says “We come from mothers who carried us across the Pacific to get here. From ash we reincarnate a home. We are here to stay.”

Photo by Matt Evans

I was so proud to develop this idea and paint with the youth at Center for Pan Asian Community Services. Thank you Shaina Negron for your assistance, and Mónica Campana, We Love BuHi, Marian Liou and Kristin Consuegra and the rest of the Living Walls Team and all the amazing artists you brought this year for making this an unforgettable experience for us all and bringing so much light to the Buford Highway.

Read this article from The Brookhaven Reporter to learn about the owner of this building and the process of creating this piece

InspirationMigrationSocial Movements

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Posts by Jess X Snow

Survivor Love Letter Mural

Survivor Love Letter Mural

June 18, 2018

Last month justseeds artist, Jess X. Snow, and friends Layqa Nuna Yawar and Tani Ikeda created  “A Monument for Survival”–a mural installation for @werise_la  for the movement Survivor Love Letter. #Survivorloveletter…

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