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Cancel Canada Day

Cancel Canada Day

by Zola
July 2, 2021

Since First Nations communities have started to search the grounds of past Indian Residential Schools to find the bodies of the (estimated up to 15 000) children that never came…

Events (42)

We Want Everything

We Want Everything


Cleveland Institute of Art
Reinberger Gallery
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106

We Want Everything explores printmaking as a communal cultural practice that values copying and repurposing in place of individual authorship. Organized in collaboration with artist, designer and archivist Josh MacPhee…

Graphic Liberation pt. 9: A3BC

Graphic Liberation pt. 9: A3BC


Online via the Art and Art History Department at Colgate University

Part nine of GRAPHIC LIBERATION: PERSPECTIVES ON IMAGE MAKING AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS A critical conversation between members of A3BC and Josh MacPhee, engaging questions around collaboration, collective imagination, and aesthetics…

Maggots and Men Screening and Q&A w/creators

Maggots and Men Screening and Q&A w/creators


Maggots and Men, a historically fictionalized queer utopian fever dream film will have a screening tomorrow as part of the Kronstadt as Revolutionary Utopia Conference. Sorry for posting this so…

Printed Matter Virtual Art Book Fair

Printed Matter Virtual Art Book Fair


Online at

This year the legendary Printed Matter Art Book fair is merging its New York and Los Angeles events into a single online extravaganza, and Justseeds will be there! It runs…

Projects (5)

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