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September 28, 2009

A new book about zines has been released by the folks who run TTC / Telefon Til Chefen, an art space in Copenhagen.

This 200 pages book consists of material from over 80 zine artist from around the world. Through images and text we present a wide range of artistic and graphic zines and the people behind them.

4 large interviews with Mike Diana, Alex Lukas, Islands Fold and Smittekilde, highlight different aspects of the culture and 10 small interviews focus on the mind and motivation of these dedicated artists.
We are truly proud and honored to present such a large number of exceptional talented zine artists and hopefully this book will give you a look into a culture which has brought us so many fantastic zines.
Some of the featured artists:
AA. VV / Bomba, Alexander Martinez, Alex Lukas / Space 1026, Anders Jandér / Museum Studio, A. R, Bongout, Boris Servais, Cantab Publishing, Chris Magnusson, Colin Matthes, Craig Atkinson, Daisuke Ichiba, David Birchall, Elk, Emil Alsbo, Frédéric Fleury, Geoffrey Ellis, Glaciers of Nice, Sumi Ink Club & Lucky Dragons, Holly Stevenson, Islands Fold, IzRock Pressings, Jason Mclean, Jasper Sebastian Stürup, Jody Barton, Jonas Delaborde, JSBJ, Kalkylom, Kasper Hesselbjerg, Ken Kagami, Kerozen, Konsta Ojala, Lachlann PT Rattray, La Commissure, Magnus F. Clausen, Mark Price, Marten Damgaard, Matthew Lock, Mike Diana, Misaki Kawai, Nepomuk, Norihiro Sekitani, Opuntia Books, Panayiotis Terzis & Raymond Sohn, Peter Willis, PoKKrePoK, Robin Cameron, Sigrid Astrup, Simon Højbo, Simon Redekop, Smittekilde, Sort Hat, Space Poetry, Stomachache, Sune Ehlers, Toilet Papir Publications,Tommi Musturi, Tony Cederteg, Tristan Ceddia, TTC, Yuri Shibuya.


<Originally posted by Justseeds coop member Colin Matthes. Colin quit Justseeds in 2018, his work can now be found at>


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