The good folks at Support Marie Mason recently printed up these t-shirts as a benefit and if i do say so myself, they look pretty sharp and are darn comfortable to boot. You can buy them directly from their site here– and i highly recommend you do.
I first met Marie years ago, as an idealistic young teen in the Detroit area, and I was immediately inspired & impressed by her commitment and fervor. At the time, she was holding down the fort as an integral part of Detroit’s Anarchist Black Cross, Food Not Bombs and various other environmental and social justice movements. Though i haven’t always agreed with her take on things, I’ve always had the highest esteem for her passion & dedication, and strongly urge you to support her in these trying times.
Wonderful shirt design! I am working with Marie’s support group to host a benefit show for her in Baltimore, MD in July and we plan to order some of your shirts to sell at the event. I think Marie’s case deserves more attention than it has received and I just wanted to say thank you for posting this and making those shirts.
On a side note, I also really enjoy your artwork!
Why is it so common to add the disclaimer that “I haven’t always agreed with her take on things but…”.
Does support for someone in one aspect of life really imply support for everything they have done and everything they are unless we carefully point out that it is not?
Anyway, I am not trying to give you a hard time — I am genuinely curious as the wording you use is so common especially with regard to discussing issues surrounding political prisoners.
Awesome design and awesome shirt.
well, only, i think people use that phrase for a variety of reasons- sometimes as a sort of legal disclaimer so they don’t seem to be endorsing illegal activities. sometimes as a way of basically saying exactly what you say above- that you can endorse support for someone w/o always agreeing w/ them. which, yes, should probably go without saying….
for me, i was attempting to humanize this piece by speaking of my personal relationship w/ Marie, one that includes a lengthy period of time where we didn’t speak due to our disagreements, but who i have a lot of respect for.
thanks for the kind words on the shirt design, both of you!
Can this be update with Marius Mason’s correct name and pronouns??