Our hearts goes to all the APIA elders who have lost their lives & been affected by the sinophobia and xenophobia that white supremacy has left behind. We must end Anti-Blackness as we know Asia America and immigrant rights cannot exist without Black liberation. Turn our collective grief & rage into a portal to a future where all our elders our safe and we learn to protect each other while abolishing the police and white supremacy.
Each purchase will receive a matching postcard that features meditation portal for Asian & Pacific Islander community. The postcards feature a QR code on the back that will transport you to the meditation portal (with music by Nathan Singhapok), quotes from activist and author Grace Lee Boggs, and Samoan activist and poet Terisa Siagatonu:
"The time has come for us to re-imagine everything. We have to do what I call visionary organizing ... We have to see every crisis as both a danger and an opportunity." — Grace Lee Boggs
"If the world we live in had the imagination to create the police, prisons, and other systems that harm our communities, then the world we need is one where we have the imagination for safety that doesn't rely on white supremacy, anti-Black racism, police, or any other system of oppression. Safety starts with us." — Terisa Siagatonu