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pandemic chronicles – volume 1


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Pandemic Chronicles, Volume 1 is a multidisciplinary, multimedia book created in response to emergent cultural circumstances and the histories of social injustice that helped precipitate them. It is authored by the Pandemic Poetics Collective (Esther Belin, Titus Brooks Heagins, Mahogany L. Browne, André Leon Gray, Olmeca, ursula rucker, Jess X. Snow, and Chip Thomas, aka jetsonorama) and features additional work by Emory Douglas, Thea Gahr and others.

Initiated by an invitation from Chip Thomas, this project brings together a diverse group of artists to collectively bear witness, in solidarity, to this unprecedented moment in our shared histories. Originally designed as a means for participating artists to collaboratively respond to how the current pandemic is disproportionately affecting their communities, Pandemic Chronicles, Volume 1 quickly blossomed into an opportunity for the participants to offer their combined creative strength to a growing, international uprising against white supremacy and state violence.

- Nicole Archer, Editor, Art Journal Open


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American Domain

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