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Electoral College Or Bust Long Island City, Queens. April 2017. I Love Fake Democracy Long Island City, Queens. April 2017 More Police State Please Long Island City, Queens. April 2017
Today I received an anonymous DIYDPW tip-off in my email, the day after the removal of the Jefferson Davis memorial statue in New Orleans, Louisiana: Jefferson Davis Parkway was just…
Hey all, another year has gone by and the Certain Days collective is looing for your writing and art for their 2018 calendar. Its a great project supporting political prisoners…
In the last few months there’s been a real upswing in the number of images being posted to our downloadable graphics page. I’m also happy to report that there’s been…
A little delayed, but here is the final episode of It’s The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine from The crew will keep…
Bay-Area arts organizer David Solnit has been making art for protest movements for decades, and has established a practice of simple, reliable techniques for amplifying messages in the streets. I’ve…
Post-Election Organizing: Call for Art & Designs Interference Archive is hosting a propaganda party on the weekend of January 14/15 to produce and disseminate artistic material to be used during…
Hi Everyone! This year’s election will radically transform many people’s political activity, but defending what we have and fighting for change is not just a reaction to the current regime….
Josh MacPhee is a designer, artist, archivist, and a founding member of both the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative and Interference Archive, a public collection of cultural materials produced by social movements…
A whole bunch of Justseeds artists are featured in this big show of art and organizing in Los Angeles– happening at Impact hub between the 12thand 21st of Januray. Go…
Justseeds has been asked to participate in this years Nuit Blanche in Toronto. It is a massive 12 hour, over night, indoor outdoor, art festival in the centre of the city….
We Are All in This Together, presented by Interference Archive with the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, uses the collection of Interference Archive and materials produced by the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative to…
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