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Drowning On Dry Land


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Drowning On Dry Land is a 48 page silkscreen & offset booklet, subtitled "A Lament from the Margins", as it's made from drawings printed in the margins of Witches & Mad Prophets: 13 Heretics. personal/apocalyptic ink drawings & papercut(s). each one unique, with many collage prints. comes with a downloadable soundtrack featuring thematically-relevant unreleased music by Work/Death, Big Blood, Ama (Matthew Himes of Shep & Me, etc.), Katt Hernandez, Virusse (aka Mindy Stock of the What Cheer? Brigade), A Stick and A Stone, Blue Shift, John the Baptist (Kellzo of SGNLS), & Night Mode (Reba Mitchell & Chrissy Wolpert of Whore Paint & Assembly of Light).




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