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In Tandem We Thrive



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Two cats ride on a tandem bike together. This is an image taken from a photograph of me and my child, Fox. When the weather is lovely, I pick him up from school on this bike and we ride together. He is so strong he can single handedly pedal us up a few of the small hills in our city. Tandem bicycle riding is such a fun practice in mutual aid and cooperation.

Fox also drew the landscape- the building and plants in the background. Here is what he writes about his part of the drawing:

"This is the cat in his house. This is his bean stalk and flowers in his garden. There is grass and the bike helmets and water bottles have cool designs. And there is some random weird metal lying on the ground. It's from a torn down building. It was torn down because someone wasn't using it for a long long long long time. And now it's turning into a garden. There are four leaf clovers growing where the building used to be."

This is a part of a print series called Cooperation Cats which include all of the prints below:

Cooperation Cats, Collaboration, CommuneForaging For FoodForaging Under Thousands Of Moons, MendMoon Garden, and Mutual Aid (which are all out of print) as well as these available prints:

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