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We’re excited to have just launched a new website for Interference Archive! To celebrate, we’ve got a guest post from Sean Stewart (of the amazing Babylon Falling website and author…
Printmaker Antonio Frasconi passed away earlier this year. Frasconi was a Uruguayan artist that mastered the medium of woodblock printing. He produced artwork on a wide range of social issues…
This week is the last installment of covers from the second series of Anarchy magazine from London, which ran for 38 issues from 1971 to 1985 (see the previous entries…
This week we’ve got some great covers! To the right is Anarchy #21. I actually should have included this issue—and the next one, #22—with last weeks entry, as it fits…
With issue 15 Anarchy goes through another facelift. For this, and the next three issues, we’ve got a straight sans serif masthead in white on a fading, dark to light,…
I’m in Chicago doing some events. If you can, come out tonight! Graphics Fight Torture, A screen-printing workshop with Josh MacPhee Sullivan Galleries, 33 S. State St., 7th floor …
14 months ago in July of 2011 Milwaukee Police left 22-year old Derek Williams to die as he begged for medical help from the back of an MPD squad car,…
Once again, Justseeds members have been heavily involved in the art side of the always fabulous Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar. This year Santiago’s art is on the…
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