“Uprisings: Images of Labor” was a one-week exhibition which ran concurrent with the 2013 Southern Graphics Conference in Milwaukee. Differing from previous excursions into collaborative sculptural, print-centric installations, “Uprisings” was a return to the essence of what brought many of us in Justseeds together: printing on paper, learning from each other, and sharing resources.
Using the same expansive campus gallery in which we had previously worked on “Which Side Are You On?”, we created a working print studio for large-scale screen printing and relief printing, and strung lines of drying prints as high as the hydraulic lift would take us. Throughout this process-based exhibition, we were joined by the Combat Paper Project, who stayed busy pulping US flags combined with US military uniforms to create handmade paper and pulp prints with visitors.
“Uprisings” included a two-day schedule of back-to-back presentations and discussions with regional artists and activists and visiting Justseeds members. All talks were free and open to the public.
Several of the print editions that were created during “Uprisings” are available to purchase individually below. The full set of prints from Uprisings is also available for exhibition loan.