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Over the past four or five years I’ve designed and produced a series of banners, signs, stickers and posters to support the ongoing struggle against the Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural…
Please Slow Down Baby Fox Crossing. Walkill, NY
This summer I worked on a really interesting project that was something pretty new to me: an animated explainer about the current situation of the endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros, created for…
The Anishinabe Nation has rallied around the important issue of dwindling moose population in La Vérendrye wildlife reserve, a huge park 4h drive north of Montréal. Four First Nation communities…
I encountered the liberatory and feminist graphic work of Pilar Emitxin through instagram, where we exchanged some mutual likes and had some of the same people in our networks. I…
We Are Called to Be A Movement by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber This summer Rev. Dr. William Barber of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival…
I was invited to participate in a local street art & graffiti alley jam last week and decided to paint a baby mural showing what images come up to mind…
Since my main gig painting murals has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID, I’ve been looking elsewhere for ways to make a living making art, and I’ve been lucky to…
Resistance to the political climate of today necessitates collaboration, movement building, and organizing. Artists are a key part of this struggle. Their work is found in the community—on the streets,…
In this socio-politically charged moment when scientists warn us that we have at best ten years to enact measures to curb CO2 emissions to limit the worst effects of climate…
Through a belief in personal expression in concert with collective action, members of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative produce prints, graphics, and publications that inspire, activate, and transform. Over the past…
…including prints by Justseeds members Bec Young, Mary Tremonte, & Shaun Slifer
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