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Sam Gould, one of the organizers of a new community art space and print shop in Minneapolis called Beyond Repair, recently asked me if I would help launch their new…
One of the organizations, RAMPS, represented in our new portfolio We Are the Storm is fundraising to continue their efforts. Check out their campaign, support if you’re able, share cos…
Audio Interference is a podcast by Interference Archive in Brooklyn, NY, a volunteer-run archive of material culture produced in social movements. Interested in the capacity of audio to capture oral…
You Are Not What You Own. May 2011 You Are Not What You Own. August 2012. Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY. 2011, 2012
REVOLUTION its ready when its ready. Give or take 500+ years. In the Broadway stop of the G train. Brooklyn, NY. December 2014.
Earlier this month – from December 4th-14th – I was in Paris for the lead up to the D12 demos that took place on the day that world “leaders” signed…
It’s not too late to sign up for a Justseeds Community Supported Art membership for 2016! CSA members will have three freshly designed prints on the theme of Love and Justice…
I’m just returned from Birmingham, Alabama, upon completion of the fourth Endangered Species Mural, this one featuring the Watercress Darter. The darter is a very small, brightly colored fish that…
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