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Monsters & Heroes

Monsters & Heroes

November 28, 2021

Political Graphics from the San Francisco Poster Syndicate are on view at the San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch 6th Floor till April 17, 2022. You may have seen San…

Events (49)

Songs of Solidarity Warehouse Workers Virtual Concert

Songs of Solidarity Warehouse Workers Virtual Concert


Online at Hideout Chicago

Our friends the Warehouse Workers for Justice are celebrating warehouse workers organizing for a better future for all—with a livestream benefit concert featuring Ohmme, Loona Dae, Jon Langford, Tenci, Kara…

The Strike Was Broken: Redacted Historical Marker Rubbings

The Strike Was Broken: Redacted Historical Marker Rubbings


University of Wisconsin Parkside
Avenue of the Arts
Kenosha, Wisconsin

photo by P. Nick Curran Justseeds member Shaun Slifer makes rubbings of historical markers as a project for understanding the language of state-sanctioned history through intentional erasure and omission which…

Live-printing: Anti-fascism and Migrant Justice

Live-printing: Anti-fascism and Migrant Justice


Baerlic Brewing Co.
2235 SE 11th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214

Come out for a happy hour and live screenprinting event! Free patches and prints, or bring your own fabric to print on. Screenprinting is great tool for political movements. We’ll…

Movement Art WORK

Movement Art WORK


Art In These Times
2nd floor of 2040 N Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60647
* In These Times has fixed its elevator and the space is now accessible with an elevator with access to the second floor.

A discussion and workshop exploring art making in collaboration with social justice movements, through the lens of labor, equity, and identity. Movement Art WORK is a collaborative event highlighting the…

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