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After being out of print for almost 20 years, Ad Astra Comics is reprinting Seth Tobocman’s seminal Lower East Side squatter graphic novel War in the Neighborhood. I remember getting…
So for this second installment of Behind Design, I thought I’d talk a bit about what went into my recent screenprint poster, Producing the City. Back in April, my friend…
On the fourth of July weekend while many people were celebrating Independence day, the folks at Homefullnes in East Oakland, California were celebrating their interdependence. A group of Black, Brown,…
“There’s Hope, But not for us.” East Williamsburg, Brooklyn. April 2015. This kinda says it all, for me. I want society to immediately change to “renewable” energy sources, drastically reduce…
In 2011 Justseeds traveled to Ljubljana, Slovenia to create a collaborative installation for the 29th Graphic Arts Biennial. During our visit there we became familiar with various projects and fellow…
I’ve collaborated, with my pal Alexander Dwinell, on an installation for the final exhibition at ABC No Rio. The current building at 156 Rivington St will be torn down in…
@notorious_t_0_m saw our work on the subway and advised "stop the spread of trump!" @realdonaldtrump #SubwayTrumpStickers #streetart #donaldtrump #nyc #makeamericagreatagain #gofuckyourself A photo posted by Major Bigtime (@majorbigtime) on May…
Fuck Your Phone Keep Your Head Up Williamsburg, Brooklyn. May 15, 2016 What I just learned, while doing some online research on my smartphone, is that we spend 90-120 minutes…
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