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Police & Prisons

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Imagining Human Rights

Imagining Human Rights


Bush Art Center
St. Norbert College
403 Third St.
De Pere, WI 54115

Imagining Human Rights is a collaborative portfolio of prints celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The portfolio was developed in the Fall of 2023 as…

Shut Down Rikers!

Shut Down Rikers!


Foley Square (across from 60 Centre St.)
New York, NY 10007

The crisis at Rikers Island Jail Complex is spiraling out of control. Under NYC Mayor Adams, conditions at Rikers have gotten worse and at least 28 people have died in…

Print Agit Prop: Three Portfolios by Josh MacPhee

Print Agit Prop: Three Portfolios by Josh MacPhee


Bucknell University
Bertrand Library, Lower Level I
Lewisburg, PA

I’m very excited to have an exhibition up at the Bucknell University Bertrand Library. This show is culled from three portfolios Bucknell Special Collections recently acquired: Print Agit Prop 1:…

Projects (6)

Exhibitions (1)