Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
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Booklyn is selling the first twenty portfolios of the edition of 250 in a special edition box set that includes campaign ephemera, The Hunger Wall Poster Project with prints by Nando Álvarez, Adrienne Gaither, Monolith, and Justin Poppe, and a special edition print by Aaron Hughes. This version is available through Booklyn Artists Alliance for institutions and collectors.
The portfolio available here through Justseeds is unnumbered and compiled from additional prints from production. This version is available for purchase here on our site to individuals and grassroots organizations.
PRINTING INFO: Twenty-five 12″ x 18″ screenprints, printed at Repetitive Press in Toronto by Aaron Hughes, Paul Kjelland, & Jesse Purcell
Aaron Hughes: Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative & Iraq Veterans Against the War
Charon Hribar: The Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice & The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Jesse Purcell: Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative & Repetitive Press
Paul Kjelland: Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative & ReciproCity
Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative
Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, & Social Justice
Popular Education Project
Repetitive Press
- Uri-Eichen Gallery, Chicago, IL
- Peace Lutheran Church, West Salem, OR
- Co-Prosperity Sphere, Chicago, IL
- Pullproof Studio, Pittsburgh, PA
- NY Art Book Fair, New York, NY
- Mayworks Toronto, Steelworkers’ Hall, Toronto, ON
This portfolio featured a series of prints that express the fundamental principles and core concepts that guided the work of the new Poor People’s Campaign. On December 4, 1967, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. announced plans for a Poor People’s Campaign and called for the nation to take dramatic steps to end poverty.

In the wake of his assassination the Campaign went forward but fell short of its vision. Fifty years later, a new Poor People’s Campaign emerged from over a decade of work by grassroots movements fighting to end poverty, racism, militarism, and environmental destruction. The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival built a broad and deep national movement—rooted in the leadership of poor people—to unite from the bottom up in a Campaign that would bring forth a moral revolution of values to achieve equality and justice for all people.
On the 50th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Beyond Vietnam” speech, organizers from the new Poor People’s Campaign reached out to artists across the country with a general call for artwork addressing the themes central to the Campaign. Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative responded to the call by setting out to make a popular education portfolio for Campaign activists and organizers to use during regional and local teach-ins in preparation for the 40 Days of Moral Action that took place on Mother’s Day, May 2018.
Note: Bill Mauldin’s 1968 political cartoon “Getting into Step” about the original Poor People’s Campaign was reprinted for educational purposes with an awareness of the problematic tropes used in the print.
We offer exhibition copies of all of our portfolios for loan to schools, galleries, libraries, community spaces, and other institutions and organizations that want to temporarily exhibit our work! Check out this page for more details and to get started!
Check out the graphics section below for print quality downloads or download entire portfolio here.