Endangered Species Murals #15: Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly
The fifteenth Endangered Species Mural is complete! This one is located on the corner of Washington and Tenth streets in the small town of Cottage Grove, Oregon, at the southern…
The fifteenth Endangered Species Mural is complete! This one is located on the corner of Washington and Tenth streets in the small town of Cottage Grove, Oregon, at the southern…
Gardening is a large part of my practice from April through November. We’ve got a greenhouse where we have maintained rosemary through the winter to harvest for homemade bread, and…
In February of this year I had the good fortune to travel to Jacmel, Haiti, to teach a class on screenprinting at a small community arts center called Jakmel Ekspresyon….
I recently was invited by the rad Moon Palace Books in Minneapolis to decorate one of the tables they’ve set up in their new cafe and restaurant over-looking the bookstore….
I’ve been thinking a lot about flags lately. What will be the symbols of our movement in the future? Here’s one offering. I’m inspired by the Third World internationalism of…
EPIC Bee was inspired by the logo for Upton Sinclair’s EPIC movement (End Poverty In California) from the 1930s. Sinclair’s plan called for a massive public works program, sweeping tax…
In the rapidly-gentrifying and deeply self-satisfied cultural landscape of Portland, OR, there are few political institutions with any lengthy history of integrity. One of those is our colleague Charles, who…
In early March I helped to organize a banner-painting Propaganda Party at Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, over three lunchtimes in the school’s central atrium. I’m the Cultural…
I recently returned from about three and a half weeks of travel through the southwest and beyond, including three days spent at the 4th annual March to Save Oak Flat….
I just got a copy in the mail of the Korean edition of my Celebrate People’s History: The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution! It has been in the works…
It’s been really exciting to work the past year with the Sidewall Mural Project in Pittsburgh to produce a series of six Celebrate People’s History posters as 8 ft tall…
March 29th Jenna Valoe and I have an opening at Ripon College in Wisconsin for a show we are calling “A Time of Expectant Hopes”. I was approached by Ripon…
Baby, can I get your number My name is not baby Brooklyn, NY. January 14, 2017
Over the last few weeks I’ve been collaborating with Klamath artists Ka’ila Farrel-Smith and Asa Wright to produce some big banners for a rally against Liquefied Natural Gas export in…
In 2012, I created an exhibition of prints and baseball jerseys in collaboration with Paul Kjelland that honored the Milwaukee Commandos, who among many things, helped protect the Civil Rights…
I’ve been working as the Curator/Exhibition Designer for the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum in Matewan, WV since our project was still an ambitious idea in a vacant storefront in…
Engaging Community Through Art for the Close Rikers Campaign from Amplifier on Vimeo. Check out this short video just released by the Amplifier Foundation about the T-shirts I designed and…
Justseeds’ artists Jesus Barraza, Melanie Cervantes, and Josh MacPhee are all included in Get with the Action: Political Posters from the 1960s to Now, the new survey of political posters…
The fourteenth Endangered Species mural is finished! This one is located in the Laurel District of Oakland, CA, and is a little different in theme and execution form the other…
Interference Archive is moving, building, and growing—and we really need your support to make our new, long-term home a reality. In August, we received a notice that we had to…