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Creating Graphics for Health

Creating Graphics for Health

March 30, 2021

I’ve been working in both medicine and harm reduction for a decade now and have been trying to bridge my art/design background and my practices in street medicine and harm…

The COVID Jungle

The COVID Jungle

January 19, 2021

Food workers are essential workers! The COVID Jungle: Chicagoland’s Essential Food Workers and the Need for Vaccination Priority a new report released by the Chicago based Warehouse Workers for Justice…

Events (28)

Graphic Liberation Pt. 1: Avram Finkelstein

Graphic Liberation Pt. 1: Avram Finkelstein


Online via the Art and Art History Department at Colgate University

Part one of GRAPHIC LIBERATION: PERSPECTIVES ON IMAGE MAKING AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS A critical conversation between Avram Finkelstein and Josh MacPhee, engaging question around the history of political graphics, the…

Be Here Now! Chip Thomas

Be Here Now! Chip Thomas


Uri-Eichen Gallery
2101 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60608

In this socio-politically charged moment when scientists warn us that we have at best ten years to enact measures to curb CO2 emissions to limit the worst effects of climate…

Fresh Air: an EcoFuturist Art Exhibit

Fresh Air: an EcoFuturist Art Exhibit


215 E 8th Avenue
Homestead, Pennsylvania

…including prints by Justseeds members Bec Young, Mary Tremonte, & Shaun Slifer

Veteran Movements: Seeking Justice & Imagining Reparations

Veteran Movements: Seeking Justice & Imagining Reparations


National Veterans Art Museum Triennial
North Michigan Gallery
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E Washington St.
Chicago, IL 60602

  Veteran Movements, an exhibition apart of the first National Veterans Art Museum Triennial at the Chicago Cultural Center features work by Justseeds artists and includes political prints from Vietnam…

Projects (5)

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