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In the midst of what appears to be growing global violence Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) has shifted focus from ending specific wars to ending the rise of U.S. militarism and…
You wouldn’t necessarily know it from the books I’m usually discussing here, but a solid half or more of my reading intake is genre fiction, sci-fi and especially crime novels….
Everyone knows that art is an engine that drives transformation. The art we look at reminds us that other people feel like we do, and gives us something to believe…
Welcome to the second installment in my sub-series of book covers from early utopian/distopian novels. Back in March of 2014 I took a look at the covers of Yevgeny Zamyatin’s…
The review is here.
The American Friends Service Committee has been putting together cool traveling exhibitions of political posters (often in concert with the Center for the Study of Political Graphics) over the past…
Canadian magazine the Peak has their September issue out and it’s articles are complimented by some artwork of Justseeds’ members. You can read the issue below.
I found this great book on a dollar rack here in New York City. It’s a 1961 edition (Phoenix Books, a division of the University of Chicago Press) of…
The exhibition Our Comics, Ourselves: Identity, Expression, and Representation in Comic Art presents the graphic stories that describe the complexity and diversity of our collective experience, and examines the social…
Certain Days 2016: A night of internationalism, solidarity, and global struggle Calendar Launch & Holiday Party! Join us to celebrate the end of one year of resistance and the promise…
Toronto members of Justseeds Artists Cooperative, Jesse Purcell and Mary Tremonte are opening up our silkscreen studio on Sterling Rd for two days of print sales and a casual exhibition…
“Prison is a form of violence against women.” Thursday, October 9 6:30-8pm CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave., NYC Part of Self-Determination Inside/Out, Interference Archive and the CUNYGC Center for…
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