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Love and Protect ART PARTY!

Love and Protect ART PARTY!


Haymarket House 800 West Buena Avenue Chicago, IL 60613

Join Love and Protect to create merchandise to fund raise money for our friends inside. We will be screen printing, block printing, button making and letter writing. Register here.  If…

Solidarity Aesthetics and Movement Publications

Solidarity Aesthetics and Movement Publications


Newberry Library
60 W. Walton St. Chicago, IL
[gather in the Surviving the Long War exhibition]

How do graphics, artworks, and compositions shared across movements highlight unlikely affinities and generate solidarity? Join us for a tour and discussion with Surviving the Long Wars co-curator Aaron Hughes,…

Roger Peet with the Fucking Cancelled podcast

Roger Peet with the Fucking Cancelled podcast


On registration, link in body of post

Fucking Cancelled is a podcast from Montreal, Canada, hosted by Clementine Morrigan and Jay Lesoleil, which deals with what the hosts call the Nexus: the synthesis of identitarianism, social media…

Remembering Independent Media Activist Jen Angel

Remembering Independent Media Activist Jen Angel


Digital Humanities Center: MLC 103
1st floor of the Milstein Center
Barnard College
Broadway and 116th St.
New York, NY 10027

Join us on Friday March 31st, at the Digital Humanities Center at Barnard College, to celebrate the life and legacy of one of the zine community’s beloved figures. Jen Angel…

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