War is Trauma
$300Add to cart
ORGANIZER: Aaron Hughes
EDITION: 130 Each cover is numbered. Prints signed, most numbered.
YEAR: 2011
PRINTING INFO: 34 printed sheets and printed cover
12” x 16” prints (30 silkscreen prints / 4 offset prints.)
12.5” x 18” cover (Combat Paper cover with letterpress title. Two sheets of combat paper bond with book cloth to form cover.)
- JS-IVAW Street Art Action – Chicago, Nov. 2010
- Temporary Conversations – Nicolas Lampert interviews Aaron Hughes.
- Printed Matter booklet “Operation Recovery” – designed by Josh MacPhee.
- Support GI Resistance patches by Kevin Caplicki.
- War is Trauma t-shirt design by Erik Ruin.
- PTSD shadow t-shirt design by Nicolas Lampert.
- War is Trauma silkscreen poster set – 5000 print run by Jesse Purcell featuring 5 designs from the portfolio series (images by Hughes, Caplicki, Lampert, Ruin, and Purcell.)
Exhibitions (2011 – 2014) :
- Center for Political Education, SF, CA
- Veteran Community Media Center, SF, CA
- Rainbow Books, Madison, WI
- Maruki Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- Rum 46, Arhus, Denmark
- AFSC Georgia Peace Center, Atlanta, GA
- DryHootch, Milwaukee, WI
- Under the Hood, Killeen, TX
- Central Texas College, Killeen, TX
- University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI
- Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Booklyn Arts, Brooklyn, NY
- Mess Hall, Chicago, IL
- Art In These Times, Chicago, IL
- Bushwick Print Lab, Queens, NY
- Speakeasy, Kansas City, KS
- West Seattle Cohousing Common House, Seattle, WA
- Coffee Strong, Lakewood, WA
- Seattle Central Community College, Seattle, WA
- Percolator, Lawrence, KS
- 5604 Manor, Austin, TX
- Hot Shop Art Center, Omaha, NE
- Dave Dittemore, Tacoma, WA
- La Esquina, Kansas City, MO
War Is Trauma is a portfolio of handmade prints produced by the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative in collaboration with the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW).

For the War is Trauma portfolio, over 30 artists from Justseeds, IVAW, and our allies have each created a print that addresses “Operation Recovery,” its larger goals of supporting service member and veterans right to heal, GI resistance, challenging the culture of militarism in the US, and ending the war in Afghanistan. A total of 130 portfolios have been created that we hope inspire 130 exhibitions that can act as a starting point to bring different people together – veterans, civilians, Iraqis, Afghans, and others to dialogue on issues.
The prints in War is Trauma are housed within a handmade paper cover from the Combat Paper Project – paper whose source material derives from military uniforms that veterans have cut into small piece, mixed with water, and pulped into paper as part of the healing process. Drew Cameron of the CPP writes, “The batch that I made for the portfolio is mostly created from Army Combat Uniforms that we were worn with the Stryker battalions out of Fort Lewis, WA. These are the same guys who rolled out of Iraq early back in July 2010. I also added Egyptian cotton to strengthen it. I like to imagine that the mill workers who made the cloth I used were the same one’s rising up last spring.”
War is Trauma is designed as an organizing tool to raise awareness about IVAW, Operation Recovery, and GI resistance, and is part of an on-going series of collaborations between Justseeds and IVAW. The website and copyleft downloadable graphics are here.

We offer exhibition copies of all of our portfolios for loan to schools, galleries, libraries, community spaces, and other institutions and organizations that want to temporarily exhibit our work! Check out this page for more details and to get started!
Allies: Bay Area Civilian Soldier Alliance (Siri Margerin & Nave Fortin Michael Rakowitz), Marshall Weber, Dan S. Wang, Harrell Fletcher & Transformazium with Brettiny Hucks, Gayla Jean Clemons, Deon Archie, Deshon LeGrand, Temporary Services