2024 Community Supported Art | Birding for a Better Future
Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative has come together to offer another year of Community Supported Art.
Our CSA delivers powerful and inspirational political artworks by Justseeds artists to your mailbox
throughout the year!
Subscriptions for 2024 are now open!
Birding for a Better Future
Who have you seen this week? As committed or loose as you approach it, the practice of birding is relevant to a lot of us, keeps us grounded, activates our senses, asks us to pause and observe. It truly helps us free our minds before diving back into our days.
What do you see through your binoculars? Or through naked eyes? Birds singing all around.
Crows navigating neighborhoods, overlooking your community garden plot. Whimbrels or Blackburnian warblers deconstructing borders, keeping each other company as they fly extensively. Hawks prompting organizing in our communities. Great blue herons protecting our waterways, northern flickers defending their territories.
Can you hear them sing? Can you recognize who it is? I’ll write them down in my notebook.
Observando aves para un mejor futuro
¿A quién has visto esta semana? La práctica de observación de aves, tomándola con mucha o poca seriedad, es relevante para muchxs de nosotrxs, nos mantiene con los pies en la tierra, activa nuestros sentidos, nos pide detenernos y observar. Realmente nos ayuda a desconectar la mente antes de echarnos un clavado de vuelta a nuestro días.
¿A quién ves a través de los binoculares? ¿O solo con los ojos? Los pájaros cantan a nuestro alrededor. Cuervos navegando por nuestras colonias, viendo tu jardín comunitario. Zarapitos trinadores o Reinitas de garganta amarilla deconstruyendo fronteras, haciéndose compañía mientras vuelan largas distancias. Halcones incitando a organizarnos en nuestras comunidades. Garzas azules protegiendo nuestros cuerpos de agua naturales, Pájaros carpinteros de pechera defendiendo sus territorios.
¿Los escuchas cantar? ¿Puedes reconocer quien es? Los escribiré en mi cuaderno y seguiré escuchando.
The Details:
Your Community Supported Art subscription will provide you with exclusive new art for every month of 2024 in an edition printed only for subscribers. The money we raise through subscriptions will fund future projects and the work we consistently do tying social and environmental justice issues to graphics and compelling art. You will also be supporting an organization that is 100% artist run/owned and collectively operated!
CSA members will have three new screenprints shipped to their house in four installments throughout the year! With each package, you’ll get a statement about prints from the artists, connecting you with the artist’s intention, inspiration, and backstory. Shipping is included in the subscription price. Choose an option based on your location (USA or International).
Los detalles:
This year’s participating artists are still being gathered. Thank you for believing in what we do.
Suscripción Internacional